In 1992, an ad hoc panel of scientists from the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine called neem “A Tree for Solving Global Problems”. They went on to say, “Neem is a fascinating tree. On the one hand, it seems to be one of the most promising of all plants and may eventually benefit every person on the planet. …it may usher in a new era in pest control…
“On the other hand, that all remains only a vague promise.” (Neem: A Tree for Solving Global Problems, The National Academies Press, ©National Academy of Science, 1992).
Today, SoluNeem, Inc., has delivered on that promise.
Our powerful bio-friendly solution provides eradication of a broad range of insects, safely and effectively. Approved by FDA for use as an insecticide, AzaSol is completely safe for beneficial organisms. A completely water-soluble combination of several limonoids, AzaSol is produced by an innovative and patented process. It is stable, completely water soluble , and it is bioavailable. Azadirachtin-A, from the neem seed kernel, is the primary ingredient in AzaSol. A number of other limonoids are added to AzaSol for greater effectiveness and also to reduce the likelihood that insects will develop resistance to it.
AzaSol is ideal for any integrated insect-management program, organic farming operation, or landscape maintenance. Nurseries, and greenhouses will find AzaSol indispensable for insect control that is biologically based. As a powder, AzaSol is easy to store and to transport. Because it is mixed with water at time of application, AzaSol brings simplicity to the process.
• Beetles
• Borers
• Bugs
• Caterpillars
• Coconut mites
• Corn earworms
• Fungus
• Gall midges
• Gnats
• Leaf folders
• Leaf miners
• Stem borers
• Mealybugs
• Mole crickets
• Mushroom flies
• Pests of turf grass
• Psyllids
• Sawflies
• Tobacco caterpillars
• Weevils
• Whiteflies, and many more
AzaSol® kills biting, boring, and sucking insects
Because the plant absorbs the compounds in neem, it technically protects itself from the inside out.
Water solubility means quicker disbursement of the active ingredient in AzaSol, that is, Azadirachtin, throughout the tree or plant. Using a patented process, AzaSol is the only water-soluble product with Azadirachtin. Superior flow and adsorption are key to its superior effectiveness.
Manufacturing Process of AzaSol
The exclusive, patented manufacturing process for AzaSol involves these steps:
• Premium locales of neem trees are identified in India
• The neem seeds are harvested
• Machines remove the kernel from the neem seeds
• Azadirachtin-A (Aza) is isolated from the kernel and then concentrated
• Aza is made water soluble through a patented microencapsulation process.
The result is a 6% concentration of water-soluble Aza, the ultimate broad-spectrum, bio-available pesticide. Safe and potent, AzaSol delivers a viable solution for increasing agricultural production and maintaining plant health.
Intended use of AzaSol
Use AzaSol indoors and outdoors. More specifically:
Food crops, flowering plants, herbs and spices, trees and shrubs, oilseed crops, mushrooms, turf, landscapes, and more.
Indoors or in greenhouses
Flowering plants, shade cloth, nursery plants, interiorscapes, etc.
Application of AzaSol
Because it is absorbed through the leaves, trunks, and roots, a number of methods can be used to apply AzaSol: spray, fog, soil drenching, and chemigation. For tree care, trunk injection is effective. It is important to remember that AzaSol is a systemic and it may take a few weeks to achieve maximum effectiveness. Since it is rated GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) , AzaSol can safely be applied to a crop ready for harvest that has been attacked by an infestation of insects.
Use AzaSol systemically
Systemic dissemination of a pesticide means the leaves of the plant or tree contain the natural chemicals that kill biting, boring, and sucking insects. As long as the application is frequent enough to be renewing, the plant provides a bio-insecticide in its leaves! Imagine a 200-foot redwood tree whose topmost branches and leaves are immune to pest attack without any costly spraying treatment!
AzaSol comes in two sizes
• Single use 0.75 oz. packets – makes up to 18 gallons
• 6 oz. container (8 0.75 packets) – makes up to 108 gallons
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